Quantitative comparison of biological and technical concepts of motion generation.

Investigators: JP Dr. Schmitt, JP Dr. Pott, Prof. P. Xu

The main aim of this biomechanical project will be to develop a standardised test procedure to quantitatively compare different actuation concepts for motion generation on a fair basis. This shall include the sensor-actuator integration, the learning of new motion, and the storage of motion patterns or programs. Based on a recently published approach of measuring the processed information [SS3] several other criteria have to be taken into account, e.g. mechanical efficiency, power output, etc. Typical movement tasks will be analysed, with periodic and aperiodic movements among them. A multi-dimensional analysis based on the developed procedure and proposed quantification criteria will finally enable researchers to compare different concepts of motion generation and their benefits for a certain movement task. This will greatly benefit the mechanical and control design of robotic devices assisting human motion.