Parallel robotics for mastication of foods.

Investigators: Prof. P. Xu, Lim, JP Dr. Pott/Prof. Verl

The project will continue our decade long efforts and develop novel methods and techniques underpinning autonomous chewing of foods via the proposed redundantly actuated parallel robots. The objectives include, (i) independent joint dynamics control for mandibular trajectories based on torque distribution via a variety of different cost functions (such as minimal reaction forces in  TMJs), (ii) real-time multi-modal sensing of time-varying food properties for assessment of the chewing process and autonomous chewing control of the robot via vision, force and thermal sensors, (iii) Sensing and robot-food interaction control where a network of strain gauges are considered for measuring the reactions in the TMJs and acceleration feedback control for the interaction with foods, (iv) experimental validation for the robot to chewing on model foods of different formulae under various oral saliva and temperatures.